
Actors, chefs, photographers? How do the multi-tasking children interpret the work lessons outside the classroom?丨Labour Education



In the past May Day, there was a group of children who were brave enough to put their ingenuity into practice during the holiday.


"My family's food ideas", "the most glorious work" theme photography, classroom hygiene evaluation ......

The elementary school department of Nanjing Jindi Future School has adopted "I am also a capable young master! The theme of education is "I am also a capable young man!", with diversified activities to enhance the awareness of elementary school students to understand, respect and love labor, and to let them experience the joy of labor through learning and practice.

English skit about saving food

Before the May Day holiday, Mr. Tony also took the trouble to work with the children to make a "Labor Day Pilot Film".

The two teachers led the children to shoot in the school building, the pantry and the cafeteria to recreate the wasteful behaviors they encounter in their daily lives in the form of a drama.

The children also worked well with their teachers to demonstrate in a lively and humorous manner, in full English, how to treasure food and how to properly separate garbage.

This kind of immersion "unorthodox" skit can make students feel the charm of labor education and moral education in many ways while receiving English teaching, and it is also a classroom of knowledge outside the classroom.

Winning trophies with labour

During the May Day holiday, students from grades 3 to 6 showed off their skills in their own kitchens, using their wits and hands to create a variety of creative dishes that were full of color and flavor.


The steps are complete, "delusional" to teach us the cheese purple potato cake, boiled pork slices the whole illustration, quite a mood, a bowl into the picture "sunset", like the blossom of the fruit platter, of course, not least in the home to clean up the eager little housekeepers.


The food and cleaning at home allowed the children to experience the hard work and hardship of their parents. This May Day, the students also went out of their homes to explore and discover the working figures and record their shining moments with their cameras.


The epidemic prevention workers who stayed at their posts for many days in a row, the workers who sweated under the scorching sun, the delivery boys who sped on the road, people from all walks of life who shone in their own fields, though hard-working but full of energy.


This photography lesson of life is also a lesson about filial piety and hard work, giving and perseverance.

Of course, we all saw the children's efforts and understanding and put them in our hearts. After the May Day holiday, we also awarded medals to the children who performed well. At this moment, the children won their own medals of honor with "the most glorious work".


Outside of special days like May Day, Nanjing Jindi Future School also continues to integrate labor education and moral education into its daily teaching.

Baking classes, home economics classes, labor theme days, and even daily classroom hygiene management, all of these encourage children to try their hand at social work creation in a subtle way, promoting the development of students' labor skills and creative thinking, and carrying out aesthetic and moral education to the end.